Full Stack Quality Assurance and Software Testing for Disruptors and Innovators

Our Agile approach to Quality Assurance and Software Testing ensures you get to market quickly, confidently and cost effectively, while avoiding overrun and production defects.

Launch software on time, on budget and with confidence

Get to market quickly with your minimum viable product

Protect against software issues and production defects

Protect against software issues and production defects

Tick - Ensure you meet risk and compliance regulations

Mitigate the costs of overrun and make best use of budgets


Reduce production failures by addressing poor capability across your lifecycle

We can conduct a focused deep dive on your current Quality Assurance & Testing capability and provide a road map on how to address poor capability or high risk areas.

Test Strategy & Planning

Ensure testing runs smoothly and efficiently

We define what will be in scope for testing, why it is a priority, where it will be conducted, when it should take place, who should undertake the testing and how it will be done. We will provide concise, quantitative evidence of where things are really at.

Non-Functional / Service Level Testing

Do your customers trust your app?

We define, build and execute the non-functional tests that confirm your IT system can meet its operating targets on performance, availability, resilience and compliance.

Test Automation

Reduce manual test effort and streamline testing execution

We define and build the automation frameworks to streamline the test execution. We use tools to automate tests, increase coverage, reduce execution time and help increase delivery throughput.

Test Management and Delivery

Focus on your core proposition and we'll take responsibility for delivery quality

We plan and coordinate testing resources and lead the implementation of the test strategy.
We provide clear metrics and customised dashboards to key stakeholders. We provide clear governance and deployment of release candidates through the software delivery pipeline.


We test the entire stack of
your digital proposition

01 UI and UX

We assist and support the creation of the User Interface and Experience to ensure that designs are scalable, efficient and compliant with accessibility standards.
We can ensure your designs have incorporated non-functional requirements such as usability, location/globalisation, foreign languages and more.

02 Customer Journeys

In the age of self-service it is vital that customer journeys are robust, resilient and compliant with regulations. Often customer journeys are comprised of multiple integration points with specialist 3rd party services (SaaS) and it is vital that these have been thoroughly tested as part of your overall proposition.

03 API / GraphQL Gateways

The API Gateway provides a programming interface to your smartphone or web application as well as to the outside world via open APIs. We create extensive sets of test cases that can validate the full breadth and depth of your application from the platform perspective. We also conduct load and performance testing at an API layer to ensure that the platform is scalable and robust.

04 Data Storage / Access

Focused Quality Assurance & Testing services for large data applications. We verify and validate IT database implementations and transformations to prevent data quality and integrity issues. We ensure that business and customer data is appropriately governed: accessed correctly by authorised users; compliant to GDPR and that data functions can be executed timely and effectively.

05 Cloud Services

We plan, manage and execute the Quality Assurance & Testing of IT software migrations or new project implementations into the cloud. We verify stakeholders’ priorities and risks, define the acceptance criteria, create the test scenarios, confirm the environments, configure the test tools & data and coordinate the testing.

06 Business Processes

We support the business stakeholders to define and document new or updated business process workflows. In parallel, we use these workflows to define the functional and technical testing acceptance criteria that will be used to demonstrate that the target IT solution changes have been made correctly and they meet the business requirements.

Who we’ve worked with

"ChallengeCurve is our dedicated QA partner and their practical, hands-on approach is a testament to the years they’ve been in the business. They are a pleasure to work with and feel like part of our own team. We can always count on them to help us meet our goals."

Patrick Lynch
CEO and founder BioLedger

Who we’ve worked with

Proudly supporting industry leaders and innovators

Tandem LogoVirgin Money logoNationwide LogoNHS logo

Test early, Launch Confident

We provide a full spectrum of Quality Assurance & Software Testing services to ensure that your business critical applications are fit for purpose and have quality built in from day one.